Note: Only admin account is able to add / assign / remove users on theARIBA profile. If you do not have the "Users" option under your profile, then you are not the admin account. To check which ARIBA account is the main admin, you may choose "Contact Administor" under your profile and the main admin email associated with that account will be shown.

You can also add users within your admin account. The need for adding users in account is when different users are having a different function in your procurement activity. For example, tender admin is responsible to handle all tender submissions and enquiries while Purchase Order admin only handles purchase order invoice related process in Ariba account. 

To add users, click on the settings icon on the top right corner of the table and click on “Users”(as per box no.1). 

In the create role page, give a name for the new role (eg. Tender Admin) (as per box no.1) and search for the related role for the new user. To do so, search for the roles in the table at the bottom of the page (as per box no.2), you may refer to the description to understand what is the function of the role. I selected “Access Proposals and Contracts” (as per box no.3) for this walkthrough where the user assigned to this role will be able to access all tenders/ quotations related in the account. Once you have done so, proceed to click “Save”.  

Now you can proceed to create your new user. Click on “Manage Users” (as per box no.1) and click on the “+” (as per box no.2) icon to create a new one.