Supplier: Received Purchase Order (PO)

1)            1. Supplier received email on the PO from Sarawak Energy Berhad.
             2. Click on the email to view the PO.

 3. Click the "Process order" button to process the PO.





Supplier: Create Order Confirmation

2)           1. Log in to Ariba Network Supplier.

2. View the purchase order details.

3. Click on the "Create Order Confirmation" drop-down button. 

4. Click on "Confirm Entire Order" option.





Supplier: Confirming PO

3)           On the "(1) Confirm Entire Order" tab, complete the following details:

1. Confirmation # (Optional)

2. Supplier Reference (Optional)

3. Est. Shipping Date (Optional)

4. Est. Delivery Date (Mandatory)

5. Est. Shipping Cost (Optional)

6. Est. Tax Cost (Optional)

7. Comments (Optional)

8. In "Attachments" section:

a. Click "Browse" button to select the file (Optional). 

b. Click "Add Attachment" button to upload the file (Optional).

9. View the "Line Items" details.

10. Click "Next" button to proceed.



4)            1. View the details on "Confirmation Update" page.

 2. Click on the "Submit" button.





  Supplier: Ship Notice Creation

5)             Click on the "Create Ship Notice" button.




6)           In "Ship Notice Header":

A) In "Shipping" section, fill in the following required details:

1. Packing Slip ID (Mandatory)

2. Delivery Date (Mandatory)

3. Invoice No. (Optional)

4. Ship Notice Type (Optional)

5. Shipping Date (Optional)

6. Gross Volume & its unit (Optional)

7. Gross Weight & its unit (Optional)

8. Carrier Name (Optional)

9. Service Level (Optional)

B) In "Attachments" section, upload file if necessary.

C) In "Delivery and Transport Information", fill in the details. (Optional).



7)           In "Order Items" header, fill in the following details (Optional):

1. Supplier Batch ID

2. Production Date

3. Expiry Date




8)            Click "Next" button to proceed.




9)            1. Review the details to confirm the Ship Notice.

 2. Click "Submit" button to proceed.



 Supplier: Generate Invoice

10)          1. Supplier received email on the PO from Sarawak Energy Berhad.

 2. Click on the email to view the PO.




11)             Click the "Process order" button to process the PO.



12)          1. Log in to Ariba Network Supplier (only if prompted)

 2. View the purchase order details.



13)          1. Expand "Create Invoice" button.

 2. Click "Standard Invoice" option.




14)         In "Invoice Header":

1. In "Summary" section, fill in the following details:

a. Invoice # (Mandatory)

b. Invoice Date (Mandatory) [Please enter the date when creating invoice]

c. Service Description (Optional)

d. Supplier Tax ID (Optional)

2. In "Shipping" section, select the level shipping option. 

3. In "Additional Fields", fill in the optional details.

4. In "Additional Malaysia Specific Information", fill in the optional details.




15)         In "Line Item" header:

1. Tick the selected "Line Item" box.

2. Expand "Line Item Actions" drop-down button:

3. Select "Add" > "Attachment":

a. Click "Choose File" button to choose the file.

b. Click "Add Attachment" to upload it.





 * Please ensure that there are tax codes for each line item.

16)          Click "Next" button to proceed.




17)          Confirm the details and click "Submit" button.




18)          You will receive a confirmation of the invoice submission:

 1. Click "Print" if you want to print the invoice.

 2. Click "Exit" to exit the page.