Greetings from SEPRO Team!


We have updated our registration questionnaire. Here’s what that means for you.

  • You will need to revise your responses in order to ensure your profile is up to date.
  • Your existing responses will not be discarded. You will need to your bank account details only and this will take about 10 minutes.
  • You should receive an email from SEPRO administrator to update your questionnaire. If you did not receive an email, please follow the steps stated below.


Supplier Questionnaire Update Step by Step Guide


Login to your Ariba Account either through the email notification sent to you or you can use SEPRO login site link:  


1. Type in the link ( in your browser’s search bar.

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2. Enter your username and password to access your account.



3. Once you are in the dashboard, click Supplier Registration Questionnaire.


4. In your registration questionnaire, click “Revise Response” at the top of the page.

Note: “Revise Response” button will only be visible if the questionnaire is still active (the “Time remaining” status is not “Closed”). If your questionnaire is “Closed” please contact us at or 082-330127 so that we can assist in reopening the event.

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5. Insert the company’s bank account number and attach the first page of the company’s bank statement.

Note: The bank details should be the same as the bank that you specified in Question 7.1 (Bank Name). The bank statement should have the company’s name and bank details (including address and account number).

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6. Once all the questions are completed, proceed to click “Submit Entire Response” and it will go to SEPRO team for approval.